Rivers of Joy... Work and Relationships!
Today citizens of the United States of America celebrate their Thanksgiving day, and my family and I take this opportunity to extend very best wishes for a "Happy Thansgiving" and for a wonderful, safe and happy Thanksgiving weekend!
Rivers of Joy in Work and Relationships!
When I was a young entrepreneur back in the seventies and early eighties I often experienced feelings of joy from my work. Then after a decade of unreasonable success including lots of dough I somehow lost that feeling of focus and joy. In fact things got kind of dark for me for a while.
Being a thinker and somewhat (read highly) analytical I tried to figure out what happened, in particular, because feeling joy felt so good! And, when I now look back it was rather hard work!
Identifying and re-evaluating my values. What was important to me? What didn't matter? What mattered less. What did I really want? How could I get it? etc. And of course, always looking to rediscover my joy.
A few years ago things seemed to somehow come together (for which I thank God!). I gradually began to live differently, to move though the world differently and in ways that were good and which made me and others feel good. Again gradually, as I moved more and more into that space that was just right for me I noticed my joy beginning to return and... Joy increasing.
Today I love my work! I love my contributions to others! I love the people with whom I work and hang out with! I love the Internet! I love the social interaction that has such a beautiful life of its own through this ether of the Internet. I love the incredible diversity of talents and positive energy that flows from a million points across the ether of the Internet.
I love the beautiful surprises... Like today on American Thanksgiving a lovely person, Susan Scrupski, the talented ITSinsider blogger and Principal at IT Services Advisory, LLC took the time to post a beautiful and touching comment to one of my blog posts.
Susan's comment touched my heart!
Thank you Susan and... Down with those occasional bears!
Oh Joy!
Rivers of Joy in Work and Relationships!
When I was a young entrepreneur back in the seventies and early eighties I often experienced feelings of joy from my work. Then after a decade of unreasonable success including lots of dough I somehow lost that feeling of focus and joy. In fact things got kind of dark for me for a while.
Being a thinker and somewhat (read highly) analytical I tried to figure out what happened, in particular, because feeling joy felt so good! And, when I now look back it was rather hard work!
Identifying and re-evaluating my values. What was important to me? What didn't matter? What mattered less. What did I really want? How could I get it? etc. And of course, always looking to rediscover my joy.
A few years ago things seemed to somehow come together (for which I thank God!). I gradually began to live differently, to move though the world differently and in ways that were good and which made me and others feel good. Again gradually, as I moved more and more into that space that was just right for me I noticed my joy beginning to return and... Joy increasing.
Today I love my work! I love my contributions to others! I love the people with whom I work and hang out with! I love the Internet! I love the social interaction that has such a beautiful life of its own through this ether of the Internet. I love the incredible diversity of talents and positive energy that flows from a million points across the ether of the Internet.
I love the beautiful surprises... Like today on American Thanksgiving a lovely person, Susan Scrupski, the talented ITSinsider blogger and Principal at IT Services Advisory, LLC took the time to post a beautiful and touching comment to one of my blog posts.
Susan's comment touched my heart!
Thank you Susan and... Down with those occasional bears!
Oh Joy!
Thank you for the "ThanksGiving Day" Greeting; Yes, joy and kindness always returns to the sender.
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