Technological Innovations in Application
I have been checking out Internet related technological innovations in application for the past few years, new ideas if you will and how these new ideas connect with people in useful ways.
For example: Blogs and wonderfully original and creative bloggers such as Gaping Void, social connections in the vein of Digg, Myspace, YouTube, and fun fun fun initiatives such as The Million Dollar HomePage.
I'm an old (and increasingly fit) guy and I ponder about these people whose lives are so intertwined with technology and the Internet. Where do they get these wonderful ideas? What drives them? What do they think? What do they eat? What makes them happy?
I have been also researching innovations in order to discover the right opportunity which will enable me to work with the right team to help them create something magical.
It's getting close, I can feel it and it is exciting!
For example: Blogs and wonderfully original and creative bloggers such as Gaping Void, social connections in the vein of Digg, Myspace, YouTube, and fun fun fun initiatives such as The Million Dollar HomePage.
I'm an old (and increasingly fit) guy and I ponder about these people whose lives are so intertwined with technology and the Internet. Where do they get these wonderful ideas? What drives them? What do they think? What do they eat? What makes them happy?
I have been also researching innovations in order to discover the right opportunity which will enable me to work with the right team to help them create something magical.
It's getting close, I can feel it and it is exciting!
Maybe we should get you into podcasting or something where you can use that inquisitive mind of yours!
Personally my ideas come from people and situations. I like to be able to use software to solve problems that make peoples lives easier.
If you are reading up on innovation then go and look at the following:
for some interesting reading on innovation management & research.
i would love to know what you are planning to rode the world with :)
Many thanks Sarah... The book reference and innovation link are fab.
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